reluctantly I must get up
OUR day is still so young.
If only one small wish remained
of all the world can give
I’d take your hands, my eyes tear-stained,
and ask you, will you live
with me, our hearts made into one
our spirits in embrace,
you are my golden, fiery sun
you warm my hopeful face.
There is no word that could portrait
mein Liebling, how I feel,
were I religious, I would pray
or even make a deal
with Devils, gnomes or witches yet
to have you always close
I praise the thirteenth when we met
You stood there, in a pose
that touched my heart, a sudden squeeze
a gentle hand that grips,
I still get wobbly in the knees
come, let me kiss your lips.
There is no chance that in a dream
a man could live a tale
so filled with joy to an extreme
that words can only fail,
I write this, Liebling, just to say
how much you mean to me,
please do not ever fly away,
my lovely honeybee.

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