I had seen no reason for early autumn
you were happy person with no reason to condemn
We live and believe in glorious today
we fail to know that it may become yesterday
All glitter has no shine of gold
It may help you when you grow old
I have seen you grow gradually
you were excellent individually
it seemed as if sun will not set
alas! you did all the opportunities to let
What to think of glorious past?
when we are failing to move very fast?
there is no fun in having doubts or cast
It may nail in the coffin very last
Let us bury the past and not shed a tear
so much agony and pain we have to bear
unknown misery and stories to hear
life it self may threaten us with fear
Reclaim that land is yours
jointly pronounce pronounce it is ours
i was achieved through great hardship
there was true meaning in companionship
Think of today and present
you can afford to be absent
you may be pooh poohed by opportunists
they may take you to doom’s door and insist
Many praises on your way by columnist
long stories and sweet words in lists
t may corrupt your own ideology
you will be reduced to unknown bogey
We can make and break
let us not dwell at length or speak
we have diverted today
what will we write for coming day
Our children may not spare
they will find no place to go any where
who will be blamed for spoiled past
the sky is still open and very vast
The misfortune may not end here
it will take you somewhere
no one will shed a tear or weep
This attitude is very difficult to keep
You may be given good promises
with silver moon and bright sun to rise
this will only end in surprise
you will only lament and regret till the demise
Stop all, think afresh and go ahead
you have still energy to lead
You are master of destiny and also head
the whole family is looking to you for bread
You are center of the attraction and major earner
you can also be sole proprietor and winner
Today and tomorrow should be exclusively at your feet
only the present should be meted out with equal treat

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