not feeling that I am alone
hoping to find when I come out
green fields and golden meadows,
but suddenly there is a stillness
and a feeling that death was not far away.
I try to quicken my pace,
but feel I am getting nowhere;
still feeling death was never far away.
I could see the end of the tunnel,
but there are figures
at the end waving me back.
As I move closer their voices start shouting in unison,
‘Go back! Go back! This is not your time to come here.’
Slowly the tunnel collapses and its light drains away
leaving me standing in darkness
without a sense of direction.
Suddenly a voice shouts to me, ‘Over here, over here.’
I look around at the darkness,
but I can see nothing.
I tried to follow the voice
as it shouted again and again at me.
Suddenly as I tried to move I collapse.
Awaking I find relieved faces
looking down at me.
28 July 2014

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