Who are seeking someone
To lead them out of darkness…
They will always feel their lives,
Have a meaningful connection
To one another.
With a purpose to be validated!
And the willingness to follow,
Kept undenied.
Since an observation solicited,
Provides a confirmation
That a participation has occurred.
And should be duly noted.

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That Poetry is an absolute waste of time,
Not worth a coffee dime,
But how wrong they are,
Poetry is a soul cleanser,
A purification blender,
An art defender,
A maker of Stars,
That tells you who and what you are,
Not a human pretender,
But a deep Dreamer,
That keeps dreams close,
At hand, never very far.

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Happiness, does exist
But is it not, just about
The most looked for,
Overrated, Fairy Tale
That in our History

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Believe in love,
No matter what
It is all we have left,
As time goes on,
Loving someone or something
Very much!
It’s what saves us
From collapsing
And just folding up,
We must keep loving
Just to continue living,
Keep the heart beating
And believing
That love is so fulfilling
As it is healing,
Keeping us alive.

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