Over situations or facts
As I neither knew any trick
Nor any tact was known to me
How to opine without killing the truth
Besides this the other point is that
I did not suspect any one who
Could twist my words
And use against my good- will
Nor I took in my mind
That the straight forward opinion of mines
Would be taken into their hearts
And in retaliation they would stab my back
Rather I believed
If I gave them my true mind
My clear cut thought
True to the fact
And based on reason and logic which
Would fetch me lot of laurels and respects
Unfortunately this did not happen
What happened, happened the opposite
Now I conceal
Sorrow and pain
Under my smiles
Though they are fake and dry
But liked by many
Including me
For the obvious reason
That the miles make me intelligent
Like never before.

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Over situations or facts
As I neither knew any trick
Nor any tact was known to me
How to opine without killing the truth
Besides this the other point is that
I did not suspect any one who
Could twist my words
And use against my good- will
Nor I took in my mind
That my straight forward opinion
Would take into their hearts
And in retaliation they would stab my back
Rather I believed
If I gave them my true mind
My clear cut thought
True to the fact
And based on reason and logic which
Would fetch me lot of laurels and respects
Unfortunately this did not happen
What happened, happened the opposite
Now I conceal
Sorrow and pain
Under my smiles
Though they are fake and dry
But liked by many
Including me
For the obvious reason
That they make me intelligent like never before.

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