And finding my way back to a museum.
I didn’t know whether to say I still felt like a human being.
Nothing about that has changed!
Was I being made to feel paranoid?
How could I avoid that ‘look’ if it was seen?
‘I feel great!
I have never been this age before.
So the experience is new to me.
I can better respond to that,
When I turn 62! ‘
Sixty-two? SIXTY-TWO? ? ?
I never think of aging until someone brings it up.
When I am with my nephew and niece and their children,
We all have a lot of fun.
Now my brother-in-law and sister see them more than I do.
Maybe that is the reason they are less hesitant,
To jump around and giggle with them.
AL and my sister Mim look as if they have giggled out!
With expressions that beg for vacations.
I tell them all the time just how blessed they are!
‘Yeah, we’re smothered in our fortunes! ‘
I can just imagine!
Ahhh…to be 61!
God knows what He is doing.
Because I know if I had children…
They way these children are today?
I’d be sitting up in a prison.
Or strait jacketed in a pad locked cell!
I was extremely sad when my son Michael passed.
Many years ago!
But I can say I am rather glad…
Mimmie and AL had the task,
Of raising some wonderful children!
We are so blessed.
Aren’t we AL? ‘
My sister Mimmie gives these looks,
That are so very funny!
I can look at them all and leave!
That’s how it feels to be 61!
Kiss them all and leave with them my love.
And take some with me.
To a place where I have quiet and peace.
‘Thank you, God! ‘
I was asked how it feels to be 61?
As if I was an exhibit.
And finding my way back to a museum.
I didn’t know whether to say I still felt like a human being.
Nothing about that has changed!
Was I being made to feel paranoid?
How could I avoid that ‘look’ if it was seen?
‘How do I feel?
I had a wonderful workout with my great niece Kamara…
And my great nephew, Kevin…her brother!
I feel wonderful.
I go for my next workout sometime next month!
But I will take twice that time to rest…
In the quietness of my home! ‘

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