Like a hurricane
In the vacuum
Swift away everything
Found in my way
Weightless, shallow and falsehood
Strangulated the period
Dark and ancient
Put a seed under the soil
To sprout out mediaeval
Enjoyed life fully
From brim to the lees
In my youth
I saw the epoch
Of the wave of all round
Progress and development
From materialism to the spiritualism
Slowly the curve
Started to turn down
So many cried foul
Wasted energy and time
To find out the causes
Of my shrinking balloon
Some even alleged
That my own ideology is
The culprit for all of my disease
But they have forgot
What the cause was
To illuminate the womb
Of dessert and seas
When they themselves lived
In dark caves!
Even on my death bed
I have given birth
The child of modern period
Of whom you are the fruitful product
Perhaps they do not know
The Elliot wave theory
In it everything repeats
After the interval of unit eight
So I think I know very well
What the medicine is
For the bitch which has bewitched me.

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conceived by storm,
nursed by its path.
i hear the flute
that time ignores.
i dance in the smallness
of the tiny bud.
i pray like thunder
to a god that growls.
i wait in the silence
of the aftermath.
filled with the joy of survival,
and the weeping
of the mortal lost!
i am alive!
i celebrate the living.
i console the dead
with remembered moments.
i am nothing,
neither claim nor grasp.
born of the wind and rain,
i need not more!

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Followed by
A very slowcooling
In those igneous moments.
I was born large
A large body,
A larger mass,
But a little mind
And a much narrower heart
Albeit little did I know
Of conflicts, collisionsand
About wars, confrontations
Nor ofcollaborations.
Millennia of moments passed…
There was the Sun in the day
Heating me up,
There was the Moon at night
Cooling me down.
Then there was the downpour
Heavily wetting me with,
And the dry air althrough
Sucking my blood off-
Each in its turn forced me
Split into a state of
Smaller dimension
But greater mobility.
Now it was the moment
To roll down and stroll ahead
Albeit away from home and
My known, safe homeland
For an unknown future.

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