The almighty might have thought twice
As it might have fulfilled all the needs and suffice
Not only beauty blinded you but brilliance too
This can be related purely and gone through
You are beautiful flower but dislike the garden
May be you want to be called only one
You want only your presence with domination
You dislike others and hate and raise question
You want to spread the fragrance but want no competition
You taken all precaution to hall their bid and taken full precaution
You call your self messiah of peace
But doesn’t like others to live at ease
You may not know exactly the reason behind
As it is beyond your reach to find
You are at full glory and at highest peak
Still you are uncertain and feel very weak
What makes you to feel autumn in spring?
Where you can expect any change to bring
As beautiful lady you owe response and care
You are likely to be mother with performance to be fare
Nature and earth take pride in your well being
You are really like nurturing bird with powerful wing
I can take your word for granted
As it will prove further when planted
It is our look out to see it mushrooms
There is happiness and joy and sadness has no place or room

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