I am not free to speak my mind, as others do
but you would know just how it is, now Dad is gone.
There are a thousand questions that went up
into the attic of my childlike mind, well stashed,
and gathering dust beneath the spiders’ glistening castles.
‘Where to begin’, you always said those afternoons
when living room and den turned into silent space
conducive to deep thinking and the sound of ink
scraped eagerly across the sheets by Pelican,
which made the very best in post-war fountain pens.
Oh, yes, indeed, we start with number one, but not today.
Where would it end, this newly bold interrogation?
You’re getting older, as you put it, ‘on in years’,
which could create a certain scarcity of time.
And as the Old one used to preach, ‘you do not start
what cannot be brought to an optimal conclusion.’
So, let us skip it, Mother, let me only say
that I could never understand how you and Dad
kept such a tight and often cruel feudal reign,
while all the same neglecting true equality.
He was the baby with a quick angelic smile,
you never saw the traits that had come in the dark,
thus there was lavish, never-ending golden sun
that you would bask your biased souls in, all those years.
There was that hose, the large diameter, blood red,
and competition ‘twixt anxiety and truth,
one does not ever shed the memory of youth
nor of betrayal, and of justice, underfed.
Well, when I think of it, there is so much to tell,
of how you could have and you should, just to be fair
but it is late tonight, perhaps that train has gone,
there is another day, for you and for us all,
so many matters to discuss and reminisce.
You know, my dear, I feel this deep inside,
that this, our score, has never been on even keel,
but, I concede that it may never quite congeal
and if it does, where would the judge of all reside?
Yes, thanks, I am, as you have noticed it as well,
extremely partial to this wine, I’ll have some more.
Did I confide in you, I cannot quite recall
that I can clearly and precisely now declare
that you two oldsters knew your stuff, you surely did,
wish I could ever have been truly in the know,
to be a parent to my children just like you.

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