Form its relevance and logical place
Why at all there was mad race?
Why this basic thing was altogether forgotten?
It was clearly evident and seen with the lantern
Where was the need to realize it at eleventh hour?
It was reality but not liked and sought for
I was little aware of the fact that I will be laid to rest
No one could stop it even if after trying very best
It made me to sink in the wilderness with darkness
Was this the real place to which I had no keenness?
I will see it later on when time comes
“Every one was facing it so I would also welcome”
There is still so much time left in the innings
It is useless to die now without any meaning
The sun would never set in my empire
I am at zenith and everybody bow my feet and admire
I would take it as exception and leave it for later course
Not everybody have the same fate as I have of course
What is missing in my store?
Nothing more is left to explore
But still I may need more and more
I need it shower it with enough downpour
I am suffering from human weakness
I don’t see it at all as bad phase
I have only one mission to accomplish
It is simple war and awaits fight to finish
I shall be buried feet below
You will be lying very low
No more worry and no more concern
It is waiting for everybody’s turn

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