All that brisk walking had me very fit
that evening I saw the patient suffering gout.
Would you, the head nurse said, take down a specimen,
we don’t need papers on this man because he’s dead,
as long as they report on Thursday before ten
no one will lose their precious jobs, much less their head.
Of course I would, I liked to please big Ruth,
she fancied me, I was aware and she was kind.
To tell you I was way too young to know the truth
but I admired her big boobs and her behind.
Down, in the lab at Fairview, I had spied
a shock of hair that topped mysterious bits and pieces,
she was a fresh and somewhat pale-cheeked velvet hide
dissected specimens including human feces.
So I took off and commandeered the OTIS lift,
carrying papers in addition to the vial,
then when I saw her I thanked God for his great gift,
inside I programmed my ‘New-Girls-To Dazzle’ dial.
They had a lounge, complete with bathroom and a cot,
stuffed chairs of quality and she had lovely eyes,
she said the air conditioning sure was way too hot,
I couldn’t care while looking at those supple thighs.
Why don’t we go, she said, have coffee and a snack,
I saw a path which might just lead to better days,
while thinking deeply what to do and what great tac
would get me loved by those blue eyes, there would be ways.
It was a start back when the lounge chairs were for us,
but neither she nor little me could be aware
that when we met again and stood, close, on the bus
that I was smitten by obliques, above the pear.
I can accept that time must go and cannot stop.
Yet I don’t see why folks can’t opt -with reason- out
When I run errands now here at the local shop
I often think that I went down a different route.
Of course I did, my friend, I never met or knew
on that long journey any birds that sang for me.
But when I thought of things and saw the face of you
I’d lean from vertigo against the nearest tree.
I shall, no doubt, see God himself should they agree
to let me in for just awhile, I’d ask pourquois
la femme joli was not reserved for petit me,
as to this day, seulement la reine, pour moi, pour moi..

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