Leave Sherbrooke to the greenies to gum and wattle tree
I’d much prefer city of Knox Boronia will do me.
I work in shire of Sherbrooke for five long days a week
And I would not live in Emerald, Kallista or Ferny Creek
They’ve got tall trees growing near their houses and tall trees everywhere
I would not live in Sherbrooke the greenies can live there.
The roads are bad in Sherbrooke by mountain weather scarred
And no joy for the driver a pot hole every yard
The shire council broke to the ropes and nothing in the till
And no money left for road repairs and potholes they don’t fill.
Dave would not live in Sherbrooke he’s happier in Knox
He’s happier in concrete world of high rise office blocks
Five days a week in Sherbrooke enough for me he say
And leave Sherbrooke to the greenies that’s how Dave feel anyway.

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