The acre I cannot take with me the acre I must leave behind
The strange thing about assets and money they cannot buy you peace of mind,
You show some a beautiful garden and they will only see decay
They will tell you that garden would look better if they only did have their way
They would cover the flower beds with concrete and cut down the beautiful trees
They do not like the music of birdsong that carry in the freshening breeze,
From Nature they seem disconnected and apart from our Earth Mother they’ve grown
They talk of their land and properties the things in truth they do not own
Since they do not seem to realize in the first place their assets with them will not stay
Just like me their lives measured in minutes and time on them ticking away
And their properties will go to their relations for another brief tenancy
For we do not own the land in the first place at least that’s how ‘twould seem to me.

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