See the leaves on any tree.
And seasons that transcend.
Seemingly with no end.
Or a beginning that has started…
To say when that did begin!
If you can see birds fly.
A day with sunlight…
That turns into night.
To reveal a moon shining bright.
Whether or not,
Someone can not sleep tight!
All of this has us here evolving.
As this Earth revolves on an axis in orbit!
It has been quite sometime since closed minds,
Thought we lived on a flattened disc.
When one accepts life and eliminates BS…
It is wonderful to experience.
And to realize one is blessed,
Without collecting additional emotional stress.
If you can accept your life as a ‘gift’.
You will not torment yourself…
With beliefs what you have been given,
Is to you a useless exchange.
With nothing more to offer,
But complaints that drain.
If you can take steps away from yourself…
And separate from your ego as well.
Put your mind on something else.
Perhaps imagining the Universe ‘first’…
As a living breathing thing that thirsts!
And you…
If you can do this,
Will realize you are just a leech.
With no appreciation of this Earth,
That gives and feeds you life.
You neither created…
But somehow you welcome,
Visiting conflicts and stirring up fights!
If that is understood…
You will treat yourself much better.
And others as you should.
That is understood!
But then,
So much of what you do…
Has been through misunderstanding.

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