But i love Nature that’s my right and I’ll love her till i die
And one day as sure as i was born in her bosom i will lie.
In Nature’s many woods and groves the birds sing at daybreak
And the trout swim out to greet the sun to the shallows of the lake
To watch the sun rise above the eastern hill is a joy to behold
At the birth of a beautiful day that very soon grow old.
I hear the voice of Nature in her little mountain rill
That babbles down the high country from it’s birthplace by
the hill
By wood and grove it splashes on and by many a hedgerow
On it’s way for to join the river that to the ocean flow.
I feel like a tiny grain of sand by the vast ocean shore
One lost amongst the sands of time for to lay forever more
To our life’s journey there’s an end and time on none does wait
On each and everyone of us there is a use by date.

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