In fact…
I don’t have a car at all.
And with the price of gas…
I’d rather sit on my,
When I filled up my car.
And drove where I pleased!
To visit ‘friends’.
Or just to witness different sceneries.
I did not do that…
To take for granted,
Where my life ‘then’ sat!
There is nothing like being aware…
Of having nothing valued,
That others care to share!
I don’t have ‘bling’ or other things to impress.
From your point of view…
I have nothing to keep,
Anyone’s interest!
And that suits me fine.
Since I do have peace of mind.
And not one dime did I spend to get it!
Nor will you find me…
Wallowing in pity.
Because I have nothing you value.
To strut and flaunt upon the streets,
Of big cities.
Or belong to a clique.
You are doing your best,
To share fading pretentions with!
I never felt comfortable passing judgements.
Not the kind I am sure someday you will miss.
And every step I take…
Not one is placed,
As I look around…
Seeking to find anyone familiar,
To approve with explanation…
A way of life I find just fine.
I might add,
Without the expense of therapy!
Am I touching upon a subject,
Too close that invokes a sensitivity?
You’ll get over my provoking!
And the stroking of those jokes.
I am not one to enjoy…
That kind of teasing you employed!
You seem to have too much on your mind…
To define in these times.
I did hear a rumor.
Psychologists have lowered their prices!
It seems this is their season.

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