Those who promote rank and class distinction and condone the social divide
Those who by their pigeon holing of people the dream of an Earthly Utopia have destroyed.
I’m one of those under achievers my nom de plume judges of me say
The people who pigeon hole people and have the cheek for to talk of fair play
For those that they see as quite worthy their idea of a fair go for all
Is a fair go for the wealthy and well paid the World in their eyes is so small.
I’m one of those under achievers though that won’t cause me to lose sleep
Since I only believe in karma and what I sow I too will reap
If I am not decent to others what chance of good karma have I
In life there are only three certainties we live and we age and we die.
All you there who pigeon hole others though you wish to remain as unknown
Instead of promoting rank and class distinction you should get a life of your own
Go bow to your Monarch if you wish to but quit dragging small poppies down
If they’ve never harmed any other since they too have to live in this Town.
I’m one of those under achievers just one of the millions ‘twould seem
I’m in the pigeon hole designed for me and I suffer from low self esteem
My judges I never do see them but the upper classes have them for to thank
For the widening gap between the haves and the have nots and for class distinction and social rank.

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