And even some children of quite wealthy parents
Have been through mental torture and through hell
And Nancy Blane is that sort of a person
Her parents they are multi millionaires
But she looks old for one in her mid twenties
And she feels sad and she is worn by cares.
She has two siblings a brother and sister
The youngest of a family of three
And in every family there is a ‘black sheep’
And she’s the black sheep of her family.
The black sheep of her family due to her mental illness
For circumstances beyond her control
For the past six years in and out of institutions
She’s worse off than those living on the dole.
Her mum and dad have chosen to disown her
And they do not claim her as one of their own
As do her brother Jim and her sister Betty
And far apart from them all she has grown.
They do not understand her mental illness
And when she needed them from her they turned away
They only worry about their own egos
And what their wealthy friends might think or say.
The people living in the Urban ghettos
Are born poor and as poor they remain
But at least their parents had little to offer
And they are better off than Nancy Blane.
The poor sad daughter of millionaire parents
For one so young in premature decay
She’s only twenty five but she looks much older
Her light brown hair already turning gray.

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