But the same can be said for Dana the Serena types are rare
One doesn’t meet a Serena everyday and everywhere.
Since she left old Mt Evelyn she has travelled far and wide
And it surely can be said of her that luck is on her side
But in life we make our own luck as some are known to say
And Serena the go getter for herself is doing okay.
She has picked fruit in North Queensland and even managed a hotel
And now with her own business on the Gold Coast for herself she is doing well
So much to like about her to great things she aspire
Serena is one woman that one can’t help but admire.
Yet i hope she has not changed that much from the Serena i did know
The one who made me laugh so much up to a couple of years ago
To be serious and hoity toity would not suit her at all
Her loud and hearty laughter with great fondness i recall.
Since i last spoke to Serena it has been more than a year
And that she has found her soul mate is a great story to hear
She has had her up and down times since she left Mt Evelyn Town
And there is truth in the old saying a good one cannot be kept down.

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