For these are aspirational people and like they say birds of a feather
Do not socialize with other birds they mostly flock together.
They vote for Conservatives Political Parties who serve the wealthy only
And ignore the fringe dwellers and the poor and the underclass and lonely
They aspire to becoming billionaires one day and look down on the poorer others
To them not everybody are their sisters and their brothers.
The Natural World doesn’t interest them in protecting Wildlife they are not interested
In small properties for development their money they’ve invested
Cut down the trees, bulldoze the wood and Nature’s creatures scatter
Nothing should stand in progress way since progress is all that matter.
In Political circles they are known as aspirational voters and right wing Politicians by them get elected
And socialism and socialist Politicians by them have been rejected
Good economic management they applaud right wing Governments good for their Nation
Doesn’t matter to them if the poor are getting poorer all because of exploitation.
Aspirational people on the increase they reserve their admiration
For aristocrats and billionaires who are their inspiration
In leafy Suburb pubs and clubs they do their socializing
And their mates like them upper wealthy middle class which does not seem surprising.

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