And landed in a magic isle
Never set foot before by anyone alive
A pleasant retreat of birds and beasts
Far removed from world’s dust and heat
A fantasy land with a magic spell
Hidden away at Nature’s veiled breast
The sky was rent with songs of birds
The air, smelling of odors sweet
Here and there were exotic blooms
Bulrush, Blue bells and Lavenders fresh
I roamed frivolously from end to end
Of that enchanted land of idyllic charm
With twining creepers and silken grass
Speaking aloud of a perennial spring
My heart leaped in euphoric delight
My senses alerted in ecstatic thrill
My feet moved in an explorer’s gait
After the treasures stashed in its caverns deep
I rambled relentlessly through untrodden paths
Feasting on the marvels, my eyes could catch
Arching trees framing a leafy roof
And fruits, ripe and raw, hanging from every bough
As Nature, thus unveiled her bounty before,
My fancy, unfettered took to wings.
I loved my sway over that fairy land
With treasures galore that none could claim
But how suddenly loomed an unwelcome thought
That dampened my spirits and stole my joy
‘Will I ever be able to see my folks
To be enmeshed once more in a warm embrace’?
Longingly I looked for a ship skimming the sea
To carry me back to my native land
To get united with all my loved ones
To live a life ever, as lived before
Like a marooned sailor, desperate, as I cried
To alert the ship that sailed away
I heard distinct my husband’s anxious query
‘ Darling, what made you scream so loud’? ? ?

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