Boiling mud pools, boiling spring lakes, bubble and steam everywhere
If you go down to New Zealand make sure that you visit there
In Rotorua the Thermal City smell of sulphur in the air
On coldest day down by the hot springs heavy clothes you need not wear
The hot steam will keep you warm from the boiling lake it rise
See the water boil and bubble with a popping bubbling noise.
This is one of Nature’s wonders to live in your memory
Mud and water ever boiling something you don’t often see
Thermal springs and mud pools steaming boiling steam up night and day
This is something you’ll remember such memories don’t fade away.
Rotorua the Thermal City steaming in the sun and rain
Why the earth is hot in places scientists venture to explain
But I’m not into understanding Nature that’s too huge a task for me
All i do is gaze and wonder at the weird things that i see.
In Rotorua the Thermal City smell of sulphur in the air
If you are on the north Island you might like to visit there
Thermal springs and mud pools boiling where steam is rising all around
In this Town in north New Zealand Nature’s wonder’s to be found.

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