Sadness goes by
As stars that have died,
And nothing really
But it does get worse,
This kind of cry
To no one,
Did any good,
Or satisfy.
But the days go by
Centuries and millennia too,
Injustices and tears accumulate,
Nothing we’re told is true
As satanical powers irrigate
The barren land of the poor,
Saying they are a ‘liberal’ tour
That wants to extinguish,
Tyrannical power,
When none of it is true!
And votes are bought and distorted
And Sanctuary Cities are erected,
Not to pray or do good
But to protect alien criminals,
As if our own were not enough!
To save, the feudal lord’s party
That calls itself,
But is indeed the one
Who will keep a very close
Lock and Look,
Come hook or come crook
From its dictatorial
Ever Lying,
Tyrannical Tower!

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