I come downstairs and make a cup of coffee
while my thoughts mull around inside my head.
I think of things I would like to happen
making little sketches if they did,
smile at how I could create a perfect world for me.
I think of my friends
who maybe worlds apart
and how I could be closer to them.
The scenarios I think of
I know will never be,
they are just in my thoughts
that mull around inside my head.
30 November 2008

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just me, myself and I
listening to the dawn awake
within my mind’s eye.
I hear the blades of grass grow
and the chattering of roosted birds
as they awake to another day.
All the life that begins to stir
as the sun reaches for the sky.
The nighttime hush explodes with sounds
as all living things awake
from their slumber of the night before.
I just sit in silence
as my mind’s eye listens to it all,
the waking of another day
for one and all.
24 May 2009

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