In the treaty of Ugayr to Iraq and Saudi Arabia they gave some of Kuwait
And for full independence from the U.K.another four decades to wait
Before Kuwait was recognized as a new and a separarte state.
A little piece of history that great conflict did create
That led to further conflict and bloodshed and war and hate
A small part of the Middle East where wars have been waged for years
Kuwait will always be known for human suffering and tears.
And when oil was discovered and Kuwait’s royal family great wealth did amass
They kept the money for themselves as they were the privileged class
With their poor and financially embarrassed subjects their new found wealth they would not share
Their idea leave them to Allah and Allah for them will care.
Years later the U.S. Government the super power of the West
In Kuwait ruled by the emirates were showing a keen interest
Their message to the Government sell us oil and we’ll help you
We need you as an ally where our friends are so few.
In the late seventies in neighbouring Iraq Saddam Hussein gunned his way to power
And his opponents begged for mercy as before him they did cower
But the man is quite ruthless and he had them put to death
And his Republican Guard executed anybody that to him seemed a threat.
The U.S. Government were impressed and they thought this is our man
He could prove a useful weapon in our dispute with Iran
With arms and fighter planes his army we will supply
Why should we risk our soldiers if Iraqis for us will die? .
Saddam went to war with Iran his enemy a war neither Country did win
And it ended with both of their armies weakened they had lost thousands of men
And after re-strengthening his Republican Guard Saddam said
Kuwait we will attack
And we will reclaim what once was ours a former province of Iraq.
The Iraqi army over ran Kuwait which angered their once ally
the U.S.A.
And George Bush the U.S. president vowed that there would be all hell to pay
He declared war on Iraq and Saddam his old mate
And bombed them for a forthnight and drove them from Kuwait.
A little piece of history in the history of humankind
Though in every piece of history a lesson one can find
And like what happened in the early nineties between Iraq and the U.S.A.
Your enemy of tomorrow could be your friend of today.

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