Seems they both liked popcorn
since the baby was born
and the cat had acquired a spouse.
Miss Felicia told hubby that mice
as a food would be classified vice.
In addition they had
as a rule, real bad
infestation with ten-legged lice.
So when both became vegetarians
they could shed their old name of Barbarians
thus they lived a long time
and would write a new rhyme
each new day as two octogenarians.
Well, I must take that statement right back,
they experienced a moderate lack
of their nourishing meat
and when facing defeat
they had fillet of mouse for a snack.
So, there isn’t a mouse in that house.
Just a couple of cats and a louse.
Since the louse is too small
they don’t see it at all
but it’s wearing a see-right-through blouse.
For Tara. Of course.

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