Civilized ones, but due to their engagements with them,
They have no time to know neighbours and communication!
So, each and every civilized person is branded as selfish
Minding own business only with no time devoted to others;
When this is so, how can they know anything about human
Relations, have romance, love or intercourse even ever..?
Living life in isolation with machines, they have lost
All contacts with others, though they are enjoying all
Comforts of modern world facilities sans any human touch
And forget themselves who they are sans knowing Nature!
Only when cyclones, earth-quakes, Continuous heavy rains
And left no way out of natural disasters, they long for
Other people’s assistance, help and support to overcome
The tragedy in vain and come to realize their true status!
Is this kind of modern life really a civilized one at all?
Is it not looking idiotic and foolish to live so only for
Earning money always not knowing money alone cannot save one
From disasters and buy even a glass of drinking water then?
Technology and machines may make man developed and advanced,
But man should not become a slave of them and get disillusioned
At the time of natural disasters caused by climate change due
To pollution made by man exploiting natural resources for profit!

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