Twin pyramids and a deep valley down quite enthralling
And enticing lonely persons of noble heart ever sure?
The beautiful castle door glows only if the golden key
Holder of the noble birth tries to open attracted by
The enticing beauty of Moon enchantress by a very rare
Chance impossible for such a one to heed to such a spell!
The golden key too is ready for entry into the escutcheon
Of the exotic entrance door to the heavenly paradise meant
Only for the noble one uninterested in worldly life being
Involved in tedious missions since a longtime of his life!
The heavenly paradise pleasure caste situated in the midst
Of a largest green lawn with fountains ever spraying water
Diverted from the brook going across the paradise for the
Pleasure of the noble ones only to have relief in life…!
It is a great surprise and suspense whether the noble one
Will use his golden key to open caste door to enjoy bliss
or simply ignore it for his pursuit after the ultimate
Reality of world life or succumb to exotic pleasure only!

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