If I’m qualified for you to dump,
Issue upon issue on me.
Bring up what you call ‘facts’…
That I am not there for you,
When you need me?
You say I am not sensitive enough,
To understand your ‘pain’.
And I am not man enough…
Because I have one job and not two?
To take care of your wants and needs?
While you go behind my back,
And screw a dude or ‘whatever’ you do?
And I’m suppose to please you…
So your friends can understand,
How good of a man I am?
If I am good enough to tolerate your nonsense,
Day and night…
At times jeopardizing my peace?
Trying to do things right!
Guess what?
EVERYTHING you do ‘is’ my business!
And then you want to call the police on me…
Because YOU have driven me to the brink!
And your version of reality,
Is the only version they hear and choose to see?
Guess what?
EVERYTHING you do ‘is’ my business!
And as long as I feel it is?
It will be!
Now I want you to tell everybody I said that.
And when they begin to start paying a bill in this house…
Listening to you complain about this and that,
And witness me put up with your daily crap?
Trust me…
They will help me validate without hesitation,
You are not nearly half of the mate you should be!
Not for me!
EVERYTHING you do is my business.
If I say that it is!
Including who you sleep with…
In our bed that is neither hers or his.
Can you hear what I said?
EVERYTHING you do is my business!
Including who you sleep with…
In our bed!
It ‘ain’t’ none of my business?
I can’t believe that’s what you said!
EVERYTHING you do is my business.
You certainly ought to be grateful…
One of us is not dead!
You have no idea how much of your business,
Is not even yours.
People know what is going on,
As if we live behind glass walls…
And have no curtains or doors!
The neighbors even believe…
I should leave you to feed my own needs.
That’s the conversations they are having!
While you are here on your knees,
Pleasing ‘whoever’…
When you should be praying,
That I haven’t lost my sanity!
It ‘ain’t’ none of my business?
You have proven yourself to be pointless,
Mindless ‘and’ common ‘senseless’!

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