And the sweetest nectar
Charms all, even cold bees and birds;
Beauty becomes just valueless
Where is no truth,
And truth becomes charmless
Where no beauty comes with;
The truth is real beauty
Makes all true charmed,
Secures stiff and absolute safety
As real beauty is the truth;
I have had taken one of these
As in one these are two
And another one to me has been prize
For which I always woo;
Its beauty is worldly body
Therefore, finally perishable,
Its truth is soul, heavenly
Immortal, ever sustainable;
Body and soul together is figure
Figure is not ugly or black, at all
Ugly or black may be that viper
Dreadful venom throws to all;
The features of truth beauty are soft
Mildly behaves with all
Gently introduces even the hard
Peace and salvation whose final.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza │ 20 August, 2018

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