And talk in the interest of your political party or religion
And I have enough of it and think I am never wrong
But this is an attitude I am talking about which I had adopted long before
Now I abandoned this approach since I went to think deep
And found it very narrow and self destructive
The people around you are more jealous
The people for whom
You go though lots of pain and suffering emotionally
Are more potential to harm you than others
When you are in need of political support
They would be more indifferent to you as you are their competitors
They are within your reach and you are of theirs
So the conspirators will not come out from outside
Neither do the rivals
All the Judas you passively go to meet is from inside
Of the circle you keep and nurture
The bitter lesion of life I learnt through blunders and mistakes
I do not love to hide it from anyone
So I share with you all, take it or through it but here it is all.

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