You may find it very hard
To forgive their standard
You tryto be kind
People may definitely mind
They may prove unkind
Faults and lacuna always find
Distingusih between good and bad
Do not feel disheartened or sad
It is inherent weakness of human being
It may invite lot of miseries and bring
Friends and enemies may not treat you like
Thy may deceive you much to your dislike
They may cause discomfort and pain
Still your efforts may not go in vain
Honesty and integrity belongs to you
You got to hold and pass through
It is proven and quite true
No need to canvas or woo
It takes years to build
Reasonable time to grow and yield
Can be spoiled in no time
If you fail to show it as object prime
Not even big amount may be enough
People may still try to be rough
Even if you prove to be generous
They may tmake you nervous
It is best medium between you and almighty
If they fail to understand you then it is pity
It may matter hardly and prove nothing
As you may attain closeness for something

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