where we watched seagulls play.
One day you turned to me
and said before summer left
you would be going away.
It is no good begging me to stay
because someone else needs me,
but you’ll always be my only love.
She gripped my hand tightly
as we walked along
and no more words were spoken.
Until it was time to go
we would be together every day,
she promised me that
as we walked along the beach
watching the waves rush to the shore
until each day folded to a close.
Seasons have come and gone
since that summer long ago
when you said goodbye to me.
Leaving only photographs and memories
of what was my forever love.
Now as I walk by the sea
and down that wooden walkway,
I still feel your hand in mine
and hear your voice on the breeze.
Although I walk alone now
I know you’re never far from me.
I still remember that end
as your hand drifted from mine
and I knew it was your time to leave me
forever an empty shell on the shore
with only photographs and memories
that will stay with me forever.
23 February 2014

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