Then knelt and said a prayer for the people he grew to love
He beseeched god to watch o’er them from his kingdom up above.
Last month the bishop wrote to him to tell him he must go
And though his heart was breaking sorrow he did not show
He had spent ten years of his life in this beautiful place
He knew most of it’s people and almost every face.
The people of the Parish knew this man so well
They loved his sunday sermons and the stories he did tell
As a spiritual leader with him none could compare
He helped the Parish needy this devout man of prayer.
And though he hates the thought of leaving in this town he cannot stay
He’s needed in another Parish his bishop he must obey
And though there is no joy in parting there is heart break in goodbyes
He packed his trunks for leaving with teardrops in his eyes.
Next morning he had left with the breaking day
Towards another town he drove one hundred miles away
But broken hearted people god does not forsake
And from this World that day the lonely Priest did take.
‘Twas with regret they received the news in the Parish he’d left behind
There was sorrow at the passing of a man so good and kind
In the houses of the Parish women and children cried
For the Priest they’d loved and trusted who in an accident had died.

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