ended badly…
and i know the deep level
of pain and anger and loss…
where there was great love,
there will be an even greater
sense of hurt… as if the whole
world comes crashing down on you…
one of the hardest things
for me was when there were
children involved…. especially
small children….
(and all children, in a parent’s
eyes are small!)
i can remember waking up at night
in a sweat hearing my children calling,
‘Daddy, Daddy…’
and this went on for years!
we are human, full of goodness and badness,
darkness and light… with desires and
wants and needs…
and love is a very human thing, as
is marriage!
it’s a long journey that takes
two people walking side by side…
passion carries its own responsibility…
commitments made in the heat
have to be strong to withstand
the cold…
let’s be careful how we treat each other,
and how we treat ourselves…
a lot of people carry the wounds
of love, a lot of people are hurting…
be respectful enough to not do
anything that you cannot honor…
and forgive… for that’s the
only way to be forgiven!
whatever happens, be respectful!

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