Suppose ’tis what you feel motivated by and where your interests lay
And some of us live for others fame or so ‘twould seem that way.
I’ve seen two women in their twenties brawl over a man they kicked, punched and pulled hair
And when separated had to be restrained and at each other did swear
Such anger in the name of love that to violence drove them to
By such shameless behaviour one might feel convinced that men were only few.
I’ve seen men in their prime over the ownership of a glass of beer grapple on a bar room floor
As if the prize they fought for were worth a million bucks or more
For their stupid behaviour one might blame the demon drink
Though some men’s bodies fast to re-act whilst their brains
are slow to think.
I’ve seen neighbours in a court of law in a dispute over a boundary fence
For a few inches of ground on either side it does not make much sense
That they gave thousands to lawyers to fight their cases seems ludicrous to me
Suppose it goes to prove when all is said how silly some can be.
I do not even try to understand the ways of humanity
For I have seen the strangest things that one might wish to see
Over the simplest matter I’ve seen once friends disagree
And the strange workings of Human Nature seems far too big a thing for me.

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