I’ve heard him say i leave her with Rina
Still strange to see that she is not with Jack.
He said old Rosie has been getting frail
She’s fourteen years in human ninety eight
You won’t find many dogs as old as her
For time and tide for dog or man don’t wait.
Though the drives in her master’s ute Rosie enjoyed
She’s now with Rina when he is away
Still old dogs don’t know that they are getting old
That they are many years past their prime day.
Of the ‘grim reaper’ perhaps dogs don’t know
And they don’t know for them what might be best
And Rosie don’t know that she’s not a young dog
And that her old weary legs need lots of rest.
I don’t see Rosie with Jack anymore
She is with Rina i have heard him say
But the years they get the better of us all
Time slows us down and makes our hair turn gray.

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