He would not work his heart was set on sketching
And his great dream was to have his work on show.
He had her convinced he would become famous
And that in the fruits of his success she’d share
That he’d send Kate and Joe to the best college
When his talents would make him a millionaire.
She worked to support him and their two children
She had to as his art was not going well
In four years he had only sold four paintings
And only for a pittance he did sell.
Till she grew tired of him and all his dreamings
And she left him and took their children Kate and Joe
And Jim the painter still sketching and dreaming
He has not changed since fifteen years ago.
She has heard he now lives with a younger woman
And that she works as she did to support his dream
She thought that she was the last of the naive souls
But thought again had proved her wrong ‘twould seem.
She meets her man friend once a week for dinner
You might call it a casual affair
She says she doesn’t love him or he doesn’t love her
And as feelings go there are no feelings there.
Millie the ex wife of a minor artist
Of past mistakes she seems all too aware
And Jim the painter still sketching and dreaming
Of when he’ll be famous and a millionaire.

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