He’s even tried the old game ‘counting sheep’
Yet he still can’t nod off to sleep.
At bed time sleeping tablets he take
But little difference that does make
As he leaves his bed still wide awake
To dress for work before daybreak.
It took a wise person to say
That for true love there’s some price to pay
And John can’t sleep though he’s worked hard all day
Whilst Jenny by him snoring lay.
With a wife and three young children to support
In his life little time for sport
And with a heavily mortgaged house and other bills to pay
He worries by night and he works by day.
In the bedroom when all is quiet and Jenny doesn’t snore
He sometimes sleeps for an hour or more
Yet he doesn’t leave for work feeling inspired
And he is always feeling tired.
When he tells Jenny that she snore
For two or three hours and sometimes four
She seem surprised and says ‘twould seem
You’ve heard me snoring in your dream.
He is thirty five and beyond his prime
And he feels tired all of the time
And he’s tried sleeeping pills and counting sheep
But whilst Jenny snores he cannot sleep.

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