John talkative and Madeline more laid back in that way they are different as can be
I’ll never understand human behaviour how opposites can live in harmony?
They are both into money making projects and you might say that they work as a team
And John maintain they will be rich and famous he’s not a man who is afraid to dream
And they feel positive about their future and they are never short on new ideas
And they are never lacking in endeavour and success is there for those who really try
They’ve sown the seeds of gain through their networking and the fruits of their success they will enjoy.
John Ferryman and Madeline live in Selby where the mountain ash trees seem to touch the sky
Just uphill from the track of ‘Puffing Billy’ they often hear the old steam train chug by
They work hard at their projects for their fortune and their hard work for them will finally pay
And they are on the brink of something greater as success from them is not that far away.

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