On your area,
On the use of ridicule and the sense of humour,
The use and application of wit and humour, fun and pun,
Comic sense and the innocence of laughing simply,
I think many will get Ph.Ds.,
They will not write,
But you will,
Collaging the matters,
Cutting with the scissors,
Like a barber and a gardener,
Falling short of plagiarism
And as thus will you able to make money from,
Where all going to market, the bazaar,
The scholar and the guide
To purchase the degree
And those days are gone now,
When they used to speak, first deserve then desire,
But now with a generation gap
Or the change in taste or morality,
Desire they first then will they deserve
As the chair too teaches
And if this be not, how can a fool too turns into a minister,
Keeping the things in control
And bargaining for power strictly?
Cut and paste your thesis
To be awarded the doctorate
And you are not Mr. now, but Dr.,
A Sanskrit saying says about
The place, time and tense specific relevance and importance,
The time is also their being guides
As they are in the university
Or an opportunity lies in
As the student too is available,
The place too plays a role,
Time and circumstance,
Situation and placement too have a say in it
And in this age of globalization, privatization and liberalization,
With the mobile handset,
Everything is possible.
Joker as the research guide
And Fool as the research scholar of his going,
Going to cut the pages from books and older theses.

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