Being engaged with my exploratory writing of poems
Having poet friends all over the world to have chat ever!
All other disturbances are there as usual to distract me
From my favourite work of musing in Nature to discover
New ideas to put down on paper to edify my wall of poetry,
An everlasting medium of my expression to world men…!
The long discussions I have had with my friends are still
Lingering in their minds and that they retell me whenever
I happen to meet them on their sudden coming to my home
Putting me on a journey to the golden past we enjoyed once!
All those thoughts make us feel that we are all extraordinary
Kind of intellectuals among men of formative stages even now!
Especially my friends quoting of my ideas of past, they feel, they
Have much benefited by them of late too make me quite elated!
Our high nature of mind we come to know very late only after
Having a lot of experience with other people both old and young
Not having that kind of curiosity and creativity of mind as we
Have simply makes us feel we are one of a kind due to creativity!
Knowing about our own selves itself is a great exploration in life,
It seems, whether we are worthy or not in all our pursuits of truth
To be confident and sure with our conviction to go ahead bold in
All our ventures in our field of exploration to greater heights ever!
With that note, though we have signed off our meet today, it is our
Intention to explore further about matters of great importance to
Know still more better about human life, love, friendship, world,
Nature, Universal spirit and ultimate reality as long as we can sure!

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