Or that I do not ‘think’…
Because I do not look the part.
You don’t see half the things I do and have done.
Nor are you on my agenda.
And folks who focus their sights on others…
Are the first who find these times we live,
Difficult to adjust.
Even though they feel they ‘must’…
Demand understanding,
Without participating in the development of it.
You know the kind…?
The ears closed, mouth open types!
With claims they don’t know what is going on!
And rush they do to prevent,
The circumstances of truth.
Coming to bombard and overwhelm.
With the consequences of their ignorance.
You know the kind…?
The ears closed, mouth open types!
Yet conflict they are quick to define…
Instead of using their minds to take time,
Comprehending remedies.
To set aside a strategy…
To stop the havoc that has begun,
Happening in their own lives.
You know the kind…?
The ears closed, mouth open types!
And this kind of mindset today,
Is reflected on a massive scale.
People into minding the business of others…
Have found their business in shambles.
Every aspect of it!
With shock and disbelief,
As a return for their ‘investment’!
You know the kind…?
The ears closed, mouth open types!
The ones who rush to cover their butts,
With implusive mindless decisions!

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