all by itself
l o n e l y
is it,
does it think it is,
is it happy to be like that
is it happy to be,
does it hope for company
does it enjoy its own company?
does it look at itself
and say oh look
I’m one
guarded by two ells
that’s alright then
Shakespeare, yes, was
the first to use it,
made it up
all by himself
felt he/we needed it
to say something that
hadn’t been said before
in quite the same way with
quite the same sound
the sound of lonely
he invented more words
than any other person
why was that
next time
you read it
l o n e l y
you might think of him
being lonely
or exactly the opposite
smiling as he invented it
knowing it could be useful
smiling at you
saying yes I know
but I’m here for you

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