Radical bigots of backward religions towards terrorism at
Their own costs as mercenaries to act as suicide bombers..!
As mushrooms terrorists have sprouted all over the world
Under scoring the need for joint actions by all nations to
Root out terrorist violence occurring here and there on a
Large or small scale putting the whole world in panic now!
But despite this united action of peace loving nations, there
Are a few nations indulging in the fostering of terrorism at
Their own risk and destruction as threats to neighbours
Due to the greed of some politicians and army personnel..!
Such national leaders sitting in the glass palace wish to throw
Stones outside their jurisdiction in order to support separatists
Creating havoc as Trojan horses to the developmental works of
Another nation not knowing their nation will go to pieces soon!
This kind of development has come up as the consequence of
Super powers’ long rivalries that have ended opening up the
Pandora’s box of religious terrorism trying to shatter modern
Feats of civilization all over the world as a great challenge to all!

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