Nor be frighten away
Seeing my stern and grim face
I am thinking on something
Today is the thinking day
So many men and women
They lay alone on bed
And went into deep thought
Had they found anything or not
Till now I do not know
But with guaranty I can tell you
They found the causes of loneliness
Alone on a lonely bed
Let me think a bit
Would i be able to fetch
A solution of the problems
You and all face
Surely till now I do not know.
Lying on my back I fix my gaze
And set free my imagination
And i am in another place
A man of another kingdom
There I clearly see
Ego is the source of every conflict
Here what we call greed
That is there a ferocious wolf
Hounding, pounding
And eating away man’s mental peace,
Frightened I come back to a place
Where people want not to think
How self cantered thinking of man
Slowly killing their own race
Do not laugh, please, still I hear the suffering
Moaning and agony
Let me think once more
Today is a thinking day.

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