it’s not gender or race or the obvious tan
(which remark will stir some people’s pot) .
I would NOT give my vote for Obama, oh no
as I’ve studied in depth Alan Pease,
but the option the herd seems to find so gung-ho
makes me look at the face so like cheese.
Does he stash in his cheek some formidable nuts
for the time after mushrooms have blown?
Let us hope that the folks will soon kick their false butts
and take back their great land as their own.
Let the black fellow run all the things in DC
for one term of his natural life,
ask the people to listen, to feel and to see
pass their vote on such things as pro-life.
It is not for the clowns and the figureheads, mate
to decide how a man makes his bed,
we the people must govern this promising state
as the men, our great forefathers said.
In the end we can’t lose if we stay on the ball
but we must be quite ready to strike,
once we follow the lead of Hans Brinker we fall
let us build a much sturdier dyke.

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