no scope to leave
but to start tramping
to face all colors around,
From beginning to end
all have to tramp
the earth is but a station
no scope to stay for long
all are waiting ahead,
For, life is a running epic
pages are increasing
everyday and night
except any accident
it must be finished,
It shall have acceptality
to the life maker,
so, the very regulations
are given before
should be followed in it,
What is unexpected
is always uncounted
none can make chance
chance is made by causes
people call that fate,
Fate is to be believed
roles are to be played
roles playing is main
then fate comes
for failure or success,
Which are the roles
how to be played
must to be known first
only then a player can try
and life long strive.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza | 10/08/2016

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