vast wide sky is the world of birds to fly and see all
And that has kindled man to invent flying machines…!
Swimming fish has kindled desire for man too to make
boats, ships and submarines and swimming suit to see
What is inside the seas and oceans to know mysteries
And all sunk ships full of treasures of the past sure!
Bold and courageous fighting animals in the forest have
Inspired man too to fight with small stone weapons to
Swords, guns, bombs, tanks and missiles to extent of
Destroying properties, lives and even the world sooner!
Naturally living beings and mechanically working machines
Seem to be in competition vying with each other to take
The leadership of the world to monitor and maintain all
Things animate and inanimate in the due course of time!
Lively natural things and remote controlled artificial
Machines make the world a place of experiment and also,
A junction for still more advanced creatures like Aliens
To do so many fascinating and mind boggling matters ever!

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