Beware! Beware!
She comes from behind the horizon enveloped
in thick mist.
With her advent, alas! in the Ieafy forest
A farewell dirge seems to go round
The parting Day (Ah me!) casts a sad look
Losing as she does-the Evening Star that
lights her path.
See! Winter sets in –
She represents the sadness of the year’s
journey, a loss of Eternity,
The farewell season of ripe paddy,
the dread of new arrival-
Beware! Beware! She is come! –
Dry breath, and Oh! the choked voice
of a farewell deeply laden with tears –
Arise, wayfarer! Thou hast to cover
a long distance casting a sad look
from thy black eyes.
[Translation: Abdul Hakim]

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